
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4/21/2012 Torches Across America Ride Update

Hi Everyone,

The starting place for the 2012 Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride will be in Imperial Beach, CA, at VFW Post 5477 (Silver Strand Post) 123 Palm Ave. Imperial Beach, CA, 91932.

VFW Post 5477 Commander Mike Smith emailed me a couple of days ago telling me the good news. I thank Mike and the rest of the members of VFW Post 5477 very much for their help. This will be the first time TAA has been to VFW Post 5477.

We will meet at VFW Post 5477 at 8:00am on September 4, 2012 and leave at 9:00am and ride up Silver Strand right through Coronado, CA. At this time know one has offered to give us an escort through Coronado, CA. It is an easy ride though and the San Diego Freeway is close by.

Now I am going to take a different route to Kingman, AZ this year just to change things a little. When I get on I-8 to Yuma, AZ. Then I am going to get on HWY 95 North and stay on it through Lake Havasu City, AZ then connect with I-40 West and go to our first nights stop, Kingman, AZ, VFW Post 10386 (James L. Standfield Post) 2985 E. John L. Ave., Kingman, AZ, 86409.

At this time we have not set up a time to arrive at VFW Post 10386 in Kingman, AZ. But we do gain an hour on our first days ride. If you are on CA time add an hour to it and you will be on AZ time.

I talked to Kenny the President of the Hoboken M/C, 50 Hoboken Ave., Jersey City, NJ and they are getting ready for us on September 11, 2012. They are great and have always treated us like family.

Kenny told me hMag, Hoboken Lifestyle Magazine just wrote an article about the Hoboken M/C and you can see it by going to and clicking on Feature, Jessica Rosero on the left side of the page. I am very proud to know they think enough of TAA to have said something about TAA in the interview. If you have been on the TAA ride when we have been to the Hoboken M/C Club House write a comment at the end of the article for them.

I want to let you all know this about the Hoboken M/C. When I asked them for their help this year they went into action right away because they feel if riders from all across America and other countries want to be with them to honor their brothers and sisters that died on 9/11/2001 they are proud to have you come and this is one way they show it.

9/11 may not mean much now to a lot of Americans but it does to those that lost friends and relatives on the East Coast especially.

Les is able to see out of one eye now and has posted on the TAA web page, for information on the 2012 TAA ride click on (Gary’s blog) in the menu bar on the top of the TAA web page.

Les has just come home from the hospital today and I was going to call him tonight but by the time I get all this finished he will probably be in bed.

You can now go to the TAA’s Sign Up link on the TAA web site and sign up for this years ride.

Sign up and click submit, and on the top of the next page click continue and it will take you back to the TAA web site.

Suzanne Schneider put together a TAA sign up sheet for me but since Les has the main one going we will use it. Thanks again Suzanne and Larry did look like he stuck his finger into an electrical pug the other day on facebook.

Every time I put this ride together I feel like a beggar because I am always asking everyone for help. So I just want to say this to all the people that have helped make the TAA rides possible, your all very very special people and thank you very much. And I thank all the riders that take the time to be on this ride because we make a lot of people happy inside knowing others care about them and their loved ones.

Have a great night. Gary Covert