
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The scouts of Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter designed the 2007 Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride logo

The scouts of Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter designed the 2007 Torches Across America logo and they did a great job.

I am very proud to say, this is what the scouts in Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter want to be on our shirts, pins and patches this year for the 2007 TAA ride. I am going to wear mine proudly as we ride into Troy this year for all the scouts and Roger Alons daughter know how much I appreciate them for wanting to help Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride.

As you can see they are made up of the same true grit as their parents have in them. They are the heartland of America.

The price for the shirts will be $15.00, patches and pins $5.00 each. Now do not forget the money made from the sale of these items will go towards the 9/11 Memorial to be build in Troy, IL.

The 9/11 Memorial is not only in remembrance of the victims of 9/11 but it also pays tribute to all our Armed Forces members that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are also 9/11 victims.

I will not be bring any shirts, pins or patches on the ride with me this year so you need to order them from Torches Across America, Troy. The address is;

Torches Across America
C/O Roger Alons
956 Weathervane
Troy, IL 62294

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The City of Troy, Illinois has dedicated a piece of land in their city for the building of a 9/11 Memorial

I am very proud to say that the Troy, Il City Council has set aside a piece of land in their city for a 9/11 Memorial to be built.

Troy, Il is not only the heartland of America but it is also the cross roads of America.

When the 9/11 Memorial is finished people traveling through America north or south east or west can stop and see this beautiful tribute to all of those that have lost their lives because of that very tragic day in our countries history.

Roger Altons, past President of the Troy, IL VFW Post 976 and VFW Post 976 member Butch Clemings, were very instrnmental in getting the City of Troy, IL involved in the 9/11 Memorial. They are super and I thank them very much.

The organization behind building the 9/11 Memorial in Troy, IL is called TAAT (Torches Across America Troy). If you would like to make a donation to help build the 9/11 Memorial please contact Roger Alons at; (618)667-3981, All donations are tax deductible.

I also thank Troy, Il Mayor Tom Caraker, Troy, Il City Council, residents of Troy, IL and the businesses of Troy, Il for wanting this 9/11 memorial in their city.

The design for the 9/11 Memorial comes from a 9/11 Memorial drawing by Paul Elam. As some of you have known him, he was Sergeant Paul Elam of the Moriarty, New Mexico Police Department. Last year Paul moved back to his home town of Tucumcari, NM and is no longer working for the Moriarty, NM Police Department.

I thank Paul’s 9/11 Memorial is very beautiful. Paul is a very gifted person and I think it was meant for his drawing to become a reality. I have one of his sketches that I am going to post but you really have to see it in person to see its beauty and feel the warmth from it.

I hope we can get a school in Tucumcari, New Mexico that has a class for making bronze statues, make two bronze statues needed for the 9/11 Memorial.

The two bronze statues are of a female and male solider passing a folded American Flag to each other and they would be placed just before the 9/11 Memorial. They are not in this sketch.

Here is one of Paul Elam’s sketches that he sent me;

This group of very special people put everything together for Torches Across America when the ride comes to Troy and Collinsville, Illinois. Also some of them belong to the TAAT (Torches Across America Troy) Organization in Troy, IL. They are truly super people and I thank them very much.

Top row from left to right; Fat Fred Dahlgren, Roger Alons, Butch Clemings, Mike Raymond, David Bloom, A.J. Kaufman, Giles Culver.

Bottom row from left to right; Pappy Hessenauer, Cynthia Dashen, Gertia Kaufman, Linda Culver, Milt Eddington and Rodney Dunaway.

Here is Fat Fred Dahlgren's pickup truck. As you can see Fat Fred is a member of the Patriot Guards. Fat Fred said the Patriot Guards in that area are very interested in the Torches Across America Ride. Fat Fred also said he will have 200 American Flags lined up when we arrive in Troy,IL