
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Dean Thompson, President of 911 Flight Crew Memorial Foundation

Hi Everyone,

Dean Thompson sent me an e-mail and gave me this web address to go to; . I went there and sent him this letter.

Hi Dean Thompson,

I was not aware of the 911 Flight Crew Memorial.

On 9/11 my wife was very worried because her son is a captain for AA. It took a couple of days to find out he was still at home when it happened and I think they told him to just stay home that day.

My wife and I will send in a donation for the 911 Flight Crew Memorial and I will put a post on Gary's Blog ( ) and about the 911 Flight Crew Memorial.

I would like all of the 911 Flight Crew Memorial Board members to help Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Riders get a resolution passed by the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth Texas to make 9/11 a day of Recognition for their cities First Call Responders please.

Go to this Torches Across America web site page and you can see which cities have passed the resolution and how to go about asking the city to do it. My way of doing it is to go and ask at a city council meeting. Some just contact the city manager/administrator.

At this time I am working with some of the business in our home town area to invite America's First Call Responders to be here in Branson, Missouri on and around 9/11 so we can say thank you to them while were are saying thank you to our local First Call Responders.

See in my area of Missouri six cities have passed a resolution making 9/11 a Recognition Day for their cities First Call Responders.

The Torches Across America Ride remembers all the victims of 9/11all the way up to 2007 with our Fallen Warriors.

Ever since the the ride took place in 2002 we have always rode across America with a 9/11 Memorial Wall with the names of all the victims on it. Flight Crews and passengers are listed under each flight number that went down that day.

A couple of years ago we started bringing the Fallen Warriors Memorial Wall with us. A lot of people think because there is nothing blowing up or people being killed here in America that 9/11 is over and lets forget it and move on. 9/11 is not over, the war has just transferred to their part of the world. With this in mind all the members of our Armed Forces that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq should be included on the list of victims of 9/11.

If anyone from the 911 Flight Crew Memorial Board would like to speak to the TAA riders while we spend the night in Amarillo, TX this year, they would be more than welcome.

We will be staying at the Amarillo Holiday Inn on the evening of Monday, September 3, 2007.
At this time I have said we would have dinner at the Big Texan Steak Ranch Restaurant but I think I am going to change that to a casual dinner by the pool at the Holiday Inn. We do not get much support in Texas for the ride so this year we can stay with each other by the pool and know we care and remember.

Have a great day.
Gary Covert

I'm not sure you are aware of the memorial we are building in the Dallas Fort Worth area for the 33 Flight Crew Members who died on the 4 flights. If you go to our website you will find complete information. It is our hope to dedicate this memorial this upcoming year on 9/11/2007.Dean Thompson, President9/11 Flight Crew