The scouts of Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter designed the 2007 Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride logo
The scouts of Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter designed the 2007 Torches Across America logo and they did a great job.
I am very proud to say, this is what the scouts in Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter want to be on our shirts, pins and patches this year for the 2007 TAA ride. I am going to wear mine proudly as we ride into Troy this year for all the scouts and Roger Alons daughter know how much I appreciate them for wanting to help Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride.
As you can see they are made up of the same true grit as their parents have in them. They are the heartland of America.
The price for the shirts will be $15.00, patches and pins $5.00 each. Now do not forget the money made from the sale of these items will go towards the 9/11 Memorial to be build in Troy, IL.
The 9/11 Memorial is not only in remembrance of the victims of 9/11 but it also pays tribute to all our Armed Forces members that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are also 9/11 victims.
I will not be bring any shirts, pins or patches on the ride with me this year so you need to order them from Torches Across America, Troy. The address is;
Torches Across America
C/O Roger Alons
956 Weathervane
Troy, IL 62294

I am very proud to say, this is what the scouts in Troy, IL and Roger Alons daughter want to be on our shirts, pins and patches this year for the 2007 TAA ride. I am going to wear mine proudly as we ride into Troy this year for all the scouts and Roger Alons daughter know how much I appreciate them for wanting to help Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride.
As you can see they are made up of the same true grit as their parents have in them. They are the heartland of America.
The price for the shirts will be $15.00, patches and pins $5.00 each. Now do not forget the money made from the sale of these items will go towards the 9/11 Memorial to be build in Troy, IL.
The 9/11 Memorial is not only in remembrance of the victims of 9/11 but it also pays tribute to all our Armed Forces members that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are also 9/11 victims.
I will not be bring any shirts, pins or patches on the ride with me this year so you need to order them from Torches Across America, Troy. The address is;
Torches Across America
C/O Roger Alons
956 Weathervane
Troy, IL 62294