
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

There will be a 2012 Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let all of you know that there will be a 2012 Torches Across America 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride.

Ed Ravak Commander of VFW Post 2901 in Cambridge, OH gave us an ok. I am waiting on the results of three meetings. I have been told things look good for those meetings also. The members of the VFW Post I have been talking to are very happy for what the riders are wanting to do. 

A few years ago I did this and I am going to do it again this year but in a different way. In 2007 I asked Roger Alons if one of the kids in Troy, IL, would want to draw a design that would be put on the TAA shirts, pins and patches for the 2007 ride. The design we used was from his daughter and it was a great looking design.

Well this year I am going to let anyone that wants to submit a design they think would represent the mission of this ride send it to me by June 1st 2012 and I will pick the one I like the best and use it for this years ride. 

The design needs to be about the mission of the ride. Have a purple heart somewhere in it for our wounded warriors and a gold star somewhere in it for our lost warriors that will never be forgotten. Torches Across America needs to be on the top. The year 2012 also needs to be on it. And on the bottom it should read “9/11 Memorial  Motorcycle Ride” and “In Memory Honor And Support”. Send the designs to Torches Across America, P.O. Box 531, Kimberling City, MO 65686.   

Again since Les is not able to work on the TAA web site I am trying to post all the information about the ride in several places on the web and here is a list of those places;

Gary’s Bolg, which is on the web site. All you have to do is go to the menu bar at the top of the page and click on Gary’s Blog.

In Google Groups, .  I would like to see more of you go there because I want to hear feed back from everybody and you can comment on any ones post.

Torches Across America, Facebook web site. I might be better at facebook when this ride is over. I only have a few friends on it because like I have said I do not know how to use face book.

I want to thank everyone again that is helping put this years TAA ride together. You are all super special people.

Also remember you can ride the whole ride, part of the ride or be with us the night were in your area to show honor to your areas Armed Forces Members and their families. Do not let the rain keep you away if were going to be in your area for the night just get in your car or truck and come on down.

I will never forget this email JD sent to me a few year ago when I asked riders to put a ride together in their area for our Armed Forces Members.

Hi Gary,
We woke up to about 3 inches of snow on the ground only to be topped by a few more as we were leaving so we trucked it. About 1500 people showed up and the rally was a huge success. We will keep you posted as there is another one planned for this weekend in my hometown (MT.Pleasant Pa).
J.D .

If you can not be with us on the ride put a ride together in your area during the week of 9/11.

Oh by the way help spread the word about the ride please and here are the dates for the ride;

Sept. 4th, Coronado, CA, to Kingman, AZ
Sept. 5th, Kingman, AZ, to Albuquerque NM.
Sept. 6th , Albuquerque, NM to Amarillo TX.
Sept. 7th , Amarillo, TX to Tulsa, OK.
Sept. 8th , Tulsa, OK to Troy, IL
Sept. 9th , Troy, IL to Cambridge, OH.
Sept. 10th , Cambridge, OH to Jersey City, NJ
Sept. 11th, Jersey City, NJ to Allentown, PA
Sept.12th, Allentown, PA to Shanksville, PA and spend the last night in Somerset, PA

On the morning of Sept. 4th I am going to start my morning at the famous Stardust Donut Shop, ,in Imperial Beach, CA, it is located right before you hit the Strand going into Coronado, CA. If the two brothers that own the Stardust Donut Shop hear about my  plans they will close down for sure that day and go fishing if I know them. So if you know the two brothers that own it please tell them to stay open because I am coming from half way across America and want to have one of their great tasting donuts.

Now if there closed no problem because Don Ponchos is right next door to Stardust Donut and people start their morning their as well.

Have a great day.
Gary Covert


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