
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sorry to say that Hoboken and Jersey City, New Jersey did not pass a resolution making 9/11 a Recognition Day for their First Call Responders

I told everyone before the ride that Hoboken and Jersey City, New Jersey were going to make 9/11 a Recognition Day for their cities First Call Responders and the mayors of these cities would be present on the evening of September 9, 2006 for the Pasta Memorial Dinner at the Hoboken M/C Club House.

Well none of this happened. My mistake sorry about that.

Have a great day.
Gary Covert


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