
Torches Across America (TAA) is a motorcycle ride for all riders who want to show their respect to everyone who lost their lives and to the family's who lost their loved ones on that sad morning of September 11, 2001. TAA takes nine days, starting on the West Coast (Sept 3rd). Ride the whole trip, just through your state or a few miles when it comes in your area. If you can not take time to ride on the ride, everyone is welcome to be with us at any of the stops we make going across the country.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 23, 2006 ride update

Hi Everyone,

Our time of arrival and host for Kingman, AZ, has been changed. Our new time of arrival is set for 6:00pm and our new Host is VFW Post 10386 Kingman, AZ. Located at 2985 E. John L Ave, Kingman, AZ 86409, (928) 757 - 7192.

We will have a Memorial Service and dinner there. The dinner will be ham and I told them we would pay for our own dinners.

On the morning of September 11th in Shanksville, PA we are going to have riders at two different Memorial Services at the same time. It will be up to the individual rider as to which Memorial Service they want to attend.

The two different Memorial Services that are taking place that day in Shanksville, PA, is the public Memorial Service at crash site 93 and a Memorial Service taking place at the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.

The speaker for the 2006 Torches Across America Ride Mike Mohn and his wife Theresa will attend the Memorial Service at the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel. Mike and his wife are very active in the CMA and they have other CMA members that will be attending with them.

Mike sent me an e-mail a couple of days ago telling me about the Memorial Service at Flight 93 Memorial Chapel and it went like this:

I will be doing a devotional at 9:00am with a biker blessing to follow. Reverend Alphonse Mascherino asked that we are an honor guard and line the street from the Chapel into Shanksville approximately ½ mile. I need to contact other ride groups that would like to be there that day and see if they would like to participate at Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.

I know you and others will be going to the Memorial Service at crash site 93 but I need volunteers for this. It will be open to ride groups and anyone who is riding there that day.

There will be people bused in for this and there will be a big event at 11:00am when the United Flight Attendants and Pilots Association dedicates their new Memorial there.

Also we will be a part of the bell ringing ceremony (they ring a bell each time a victims name is read) at 10:06am and I need 7 more people to be bell ringers.

If you want to be a bell ringer please let me know now for I can let Mike know.

What I would like to do on the morning of September 11th when we all assemble at the Super 8 Motel for our ride to Shanksville is for the riders that want to attend the public Memorial Service at crash site 93, line up first and the riders that want to attend the Memorial Service at Flight 93 Memorial Chapel, line up in back of them.

When we leave the motel we will ride to the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel and those that are going to attend the Memorial Service there can part from the group and the rest of the group will ride to the Memorial Service at crash site 93.

The Memorial Service at crash site 93 starts around 10:06am and we need to be there parked and ready for the Memorial Service by 9:00am.

We have the World Memorial coming with us on part of the ride this year. It will be traveling with us from Oceanside, CA to Tulsa, OK then they will drive on to NYC and set up the World Memorial and then try to meet up with us again on the east coast.

You can read about it on their web site:

The World Memorial is binging brought in an 18 wheeler a long with a 280lb piece of steel from the World Trade Center and an art exhibit called “Missing Person Flier Exhibit”, and the flier says “Missing last seen at the World Trade Center”.

Mitch Mender, Vice President World Memorial, E.M.T. Fire Fighter Paramedic, is coming with the World memorial as it comes across America.


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